Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Snapshots of Ireland, Part 2

by Alex in Ireland, In Transit
When we last spoke, our stalwart heroes were halfway through a massive undertaking: drive around the entire island of Ireland, trying to see as much as possible before Tash and I had to start our new job and Mum had to get back to Australia.

We had just left Galway, freshly clean clothes in our bags, and set our sights northwards. We passed through the (beautiful and picturesque) Connemara, stopping briefly to see what would soon be our new home and meet our new boss (albeit temporary), before climbing back into our rental car and setting off for part 2 of our epic, neatly-divided-into-two-convenient-halves road trip!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Nine Reasons To Be Happy This Christmas!

by Tasha in Epigrams and Interludes

So...as you long time followers may already know - I love Christmas!

No....I really really love Christmas.

I love the decorations, I love the songs, I love fairylights and candy canes and Christmas cookies and snow and wrapping presents and....I just love this season.

In fact a while ago I wrote an article on how awesome Christmas is.

But this year - for something a little different, I thought I'd start a list of everything that makes me so happy this Christmas.

and it's not just because I have Christmas Tardis wallpaper!

Monday, 8 December 2014

College Days: Getting our Geek on at Trinity College

by Alex and Tasha in Ireland

Whether you are passing through Dublin or using it as a jumping off point for the rest of Ireland - If you see nothing else in the city I would recommend you take a short stopover and check out one of my favourite areas in Dublin, and home to some of the most beautiful classic architecture surrounding the infamous - and the unironically awe-inspiring Trinity College.

photo by: wenzday01

Trinity College is perfectly surrounded by Dublin City - just on the south side of the River Liffey somewhat near the Temple Bar district. The College was originally founded by Elizabeth I in 1592 to help keep her loyal English subjects in Dublin from picking up any 'pesky' Catholic leanings from the Irish colleges, and it has been Ireland's most prestigious university ever since. Current students offer tours of campus every day, and by all accounts, they're well worth the money.

This, however, was not why we where there.


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