People are different. Some are big, some are small, some are short and some are tall (and there are some who talk like Dr. Seuss without realising it, but we don't like to talk about them....shhhh). However when travelling, it is assumed that tourists will follow the same schedule, want to see the same sights and eat the same foods. I guess on one level it makes sense as it is all different than home.
But should I then assume when I'm sitting in the food court, eating my lunch, that the mother with three kids next to me, or the Sex-And-The-City wannabe across the row are eating the same as me? After all - it's all takeout. But no, as I sit here with my naan, dumplings and pizza (because why does all the best food have to come from one shop!) the SATC lady picks at her salad, and the mother of three dishes out the Happy Meals, we all have different tastes. I happen to be a nerd (proud of it!) and on my pilgrimage I would be remiss to bypass these holy temples of Nerd-ism.