Monday, 15 October 2012

How Much is Your Fear Worth - How About $2000?

by Tasha in Pre-trip, Budgeting

I want to tell you a secret.

I am afraid.

I normally try and spin pretty words and appear like the confident gal who has all her ducks in a row, but the truth is, I am very very afraid.

Fear can be a great motivator. It's fear of being eaten alive that helps you sprint away from the lions and tigers and bears chasing you. It's fear that makes you backup all your computer data in triplicate just incase of a virus. and its fear as a child that makes you pause for a second to realise perhaps wearing a superman costume does not in fact, make you fly. These are all good fears.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Retake the City! - Sydney Spectacular

by Alex in Retake the City, Australia

Five Hours in Sydney City

Ah, Sydney. Australia's city that never sleeps (except on hungover Sunday mornings). After the eventful roadtrip up from Melbourne for a family wedding, Tash and I found ourselves with a spare day to kill before having to drive back down the Hume Highway for work in the morning. Rather than resting on our laurels, we opted to retake Sydney, and go on a one-day, self-guided highlights tour of our favourite places that may not make the travel guide.


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