Sunday, 31 March 2013

Street Art: 10 Months Later...

by Tasha in Retake the City, Melbourne

A long long time ago, almost 10 months to the day, Lex and I ran around the city - camera in tow, snapping up the latest and greatest of the street art scene.

As a testament to the changeable nature of Melbourne - as Marlene, Sebastian (our awesome new french friends and surfers) and I checked out the new offerings - I offer an 'then and now' comparison. A sneak peak at the ever-changing streets. (click for larger pics)

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Wisdom before Beauty: Melbourne

by Tasha in Wisdom before Beauty

There will be a time when it will end.
Be it parting

Be it death
So each passing minute with you
                       Pendulummed with sadness.
So many times
I looked long into your face.
                      I could hear the clock ticking.

                                               - Spike Milligan


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As always – Don’t Forget To Be Awesome!


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