Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Retake the TARDIS! - The Doctor Who Experience, Cardiff

by Alex in United Kingdom, Retake the City, Nerd

Here's something you probably knew about Tash and I - we're massive nerds. But did you know that, in
particular, we're huge fans of Doctor Who?

...oh, you did? Well...

Would you have guessed that while we were in Wales, we'd go out of our way to visit the freaking Doctor Who museum in Cardiff?


Fine, I'll just shut up and move on then.

Monday, 19 May 2014

18 Things I've Learned From Living in Ireland

by Tasha in Ireland

1. It is much smaller than you think. 
Seriously, the country only spans around 200km from side to side!

2. But it will take you a ridiculous amount of time to get around. 
You would be amazed how many people I get driving in from Dublin (a 3 hour trip) who arrive a good 8 hours later, lost, confused and exhausted. I always feel the need to hug these haggard souls, make them a nice cup of tea and draw them a nice hot bath (although we don't actually have a bath - but drawing a shower sounds wrong - and somewhat invasive)

Monday, 12 May 2014

Things that Matter: Can You Save the World?

by Tasha in Epigrams and Interludes


Before you start this article - stop.

Seriously stop reading right now!

First  - Click here and read about the myths that we as a population believe about foreign aid and exactly why they are full of crap. I could rewrite it in my own words however it was written with input from people way smarter than me and you should give it a good look before you keep reading.

For you little rebels who didn't click the link, there is a nice sum up in two clips below by two awesome smart people - John Green and Bill Nye the Science Guy:


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