Sunday, 21 September 2014

Are All Travellers Secretly "Ambassadors"?

by Tasha in Epigrams and Interludes

Is there a new form of Nationalism sweeping the world? And by sweeping I mean…has been here all along but is only now being noticed now that the older, more traditional view of Nationalism is dying out with the last generation that required it? (Wow that went to a morbid place)

With the rise of the internet age and the breaking of the longstanding cultural divides, Nationalism can no longer be personified by the perpetual reciting of the national anthem before a flag. Most nationalistic displays are now seen either on a Commemoration/Independence day, or during an international sporting event such as the recent Football World Cup.

Still proud of the Socceroos, they played some damn good games! photo by: gi.te63

However it is the more subtle and lesser acknowledged form that I am referring to, the form of Nationalism dominated by global friendships, through travel and by my best friend...the internet. This is the simplest form of nationalism. The one where by declaring the simple fact 'I am Australian' you suddenly become an ambassador for that country to everyone you meet, everywhere you go.


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