Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The Great Ocean Roadtrip!

by Tasha in Australia, In Transit

Here's the thing about Tash and I - we love to road trip. Adore it. Absolutely and without qualification. There's no better freedom than to load up on snacks, blast some classic rock and cruise off into the sunrise at 100km/hour.

Unfortunately (with a relatively last-minute exception), we're not likely to have the opportunity to road trip, once we leave for Asia. We're aiming to do as little flying as possible as it is both environmentally unsustainable and expensive as hell.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Define Irony

by Tasha in Pre-trip, Epigrams and Interludes

Irony... it's a funny thing

You find yourself in a comfortable, stable life. After years of struggle you are ahead of the game, you have some debt, but also a little savings, full time jobs, a stable marriage and finally a decent apartment. Life is...or at least should be...good!

The days wear on, life becomes a merry-go-round of work, home, work, home. Your fun job becomes a chore, your cosy apartment - suffocating. Everything you once loved about your life now feels like it's holding you back.

Yeah, irony's a real hoot.


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