Wednesday, 19 June 2013


by Tasha in Pre-trip

So, we had an apartment...

 And now we don't.

And we had stuff...

And now we don't.

Now guys, I know what you're thinking "But Tash - I thought you guys weren't leaving yet! How could you leave us so soon without even a chance to bid you so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen goodbye!!!"

But do not worry! The time of sadness and goodbyes is not yet upon us.

Instead, on a strange and fortunate whim, whilst browsing random links and gumtree ads, I came across short term sharehouse rentals in our area. And those short term sharehouse rentals were drastically cheaper than the rent and bills we were currently paying! Which is pretty damn awesome!

And with awesome fortunate whims comes awesome timing - we managed to find a cool guy who was setting off to USA for two months - coincidentally the exact same amount of time left before we leave for New Zealand!

So suddenly the idea of moving became pretty fricking awesome!

That was until I remembered the downside of moving - or to paraphrase - putting the last shreds of your life you haven't sold to strangers into storage to sit for the next two to three years. PACKING IS EVIL!!! I strongly believe that in the presence of a house preparing for a move, all previously reasonable - somewhat inanimate - boxes, packing tape and packing material become devilish spawns of Satan - boxes start breaking and tape gets tangled and bubble wrap pops itself - which not only makes the bubble wrap useless (and decidedly less fun to play with) but also makes your already complicated task that much worse.

This was of course added to the well-known factoid that no matter how well you prepare, how much you sell and sort and try to prepack as much as possible before you reach the crunch time - when crunch time is upon you - you suddenly realise you have way too much junk! And it appears out of nowhere - old receipts lost behind books (for purely illogical reasons?!?), and where did all those extension cords come from, I'm sure we never owned this many scissors, and WHERE DID YOU FIND ALL THOSE ODD SOCKS!!!!

But I digress.

Amazingly the selling of the last of our furniture/stuff and moving our singular suitcase and two backpacks into our cosy little short term share place went smoothly. This whole quit-our-jobs-and-travel-the-world-thing just became very real, very exciting, and at least for me...more than a little scary. 


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As always – Don’t Forget To Be Awesome!

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