Thursday, 28 November 2013

Bangkok Snapshots

by Tasha in South East Asia, In Transit

photo by: captainkimo
We get off to a shaky start haggling wise, but we persevere by flagging down a taxi on day two. The driver smiles broadly as we ask for the Chatuchak Weekend Market. 200B he quickly retorts with his supersized smile. Grinning back we shake our heads at the exorbitant price and point to the meter. With an owlish glance, he shrugs his shoulders as if to say "Hey it usually works". Arriving at the market 15mins later we pay the 70B fare and thank him in thai. 

Maybe we are getting the hang of this.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Fear Of Flying?

by Alex in In Transit, Epigrams and Interludes

I am a bad flyer. Well, maybe not bad, but certainly not great. I wouldn't really call it a phobia or anything. I don't freak out and start hyperventilating when I enter an airport terminal, or have a panic attack whenever I hear the chirpy "ping!" of the seatbelt sign coming on, and I don't have recurring nightmares where I'm trapped in an endlessly looping safety demonstration performed by evil clowns in flight attendant uniforms.

Or Richard Simmons


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